
I Will Wait

Inspired by Krista Williams' 'God's Promise to Abram' on First5 , I want to share with you what I've learned today. God's promises are unchangeable and eternal, and through Jesus Christ, we've already been blessed to receive them. ['He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. ' - Gal 3 :14] All we have to do is obey, wait, and (through unwavering trust in God) drive away the vultures of doubt, fear, and discouragement. This led me to look into what exactly His covenant blessings are and it's all good news, people! THE OLD COVENANT(S): 1. God's covenant with Noah [ ' 18  But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the arkā€”you and your sons and your wife and your sonsā€™ wives with you.  19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive wi...

2020 Vision

May you live your purpose and may blessings abound. HAPPY NEW YEAR! PC: Facebook

Horror Poster Art

I am thrilled to have stumbled onto Wrong Side of the Art today. They have an extensive collection of movie posters, including some ace vintage horror ones. Their cheesy taglines made my week! Watching horror movies is a favourite pastime, but I haven't seen nearly enough of them to tell you more about the films themselves. Below are four choice poster art samples, but for in-depth reviews, scoot on over to Maynard's - I'm sure he has seen them all.

This One's For You, Anna

The monsters in True Crime do not fascinate me. They are horrible people and do not deserve to be elevated in any way, shape, or form. We should focus on the victims and the people who love them. They deserve to have their stories told. They deserve to be remembered. At some point, knowing what happened to them should become a catalyst for change. To raise awareness, countless great documentaries have been made, and I salute everyone who helps shine a light on the truth. As for my opinion on what constitutes True Crime - I'm aware of the fact that it might be different from yours, but here are some of the true stories that have had a lasting impact on me are: When They See Us Unbelievable The Keepers Say Her Name Dear Zachary Making A Murderer Dirty John The Champions Blackfish Roll Red Roll If you're a lover of true crime like Anna & I, and you know of any other must-see documentary films, docuseries or based-on-true-story titles, leave a Comment bel...

Bring Your Own Self

Changing seasons is so refreshing, isn't it? If I were to say that I love change because I love a challenge, it may give you the impression that I love working hard in all areas of my life. That would be a lie. What I love is how it fires up my mind. Using my brain is always good fun, but struggling is not my cup of tea coffee. (Is it ever for anyone?) The last few months brought along unexpected obstacles. We are trying hard to navigate our way through this tough time, but it is difficult to stay positive when resources dwindle and plans become muddled. What remains constant, is the Word and how the  First5 community helps me stay connected it. I am grateful that I heeded the call years ago  ['No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them...' -  John 6 :44]  and that I am no longer stumbling along on my own. Grace and truth come through Jesus alone. [John 1:17] All we have to do is bring Him what we have (who we are). He is always e...

Gaining Life In Weight

Reality TV is white noise.  Jailbirds play in the background as I check emails and catch up on social media. I vaguely become aware of an altercation between inmates on the screen. The insults and temper tantrums sling back-and-forth. Off-screen jail time must be more hardcore than how it's depicted in this show. Otherwise, it's basically high school with less violence and more drugs. (One of the insults consists of the words 'fat slut' šŸ™„.) As the onscreen melodrama unfolds, I read a piece on what air travel is like when you're fat. I am fat. I am also terrified of someone else touching my fat (or my fat touching them). Wrapping my body around itself in an effort to make myself smaller is something I am all too familiar with. On planes, buses, trains. At conferences, in churches, and sharing an Uber. Trying to make myself smaller is nothing new. Blaming fat for this habit is disingenuous. I have always felt uncomfortable in my own skin. As far back as I...

Do It

Happy Valentine's Week! Here's a song for those times you just want to do it.