Wintervention Week 3

This video about Finishing What You Start is just what I needed to hear/see this week.

I'm on antibiotics for a respiratory infection & for the first time in 3 weeks had a more legitimate reason for not exercising the way I wanted to. Over the past few weeks I have been more invested in how good I feel in what I wear & how I look (opposed to anything that would make anyone else happier/more comfortable), but exercise was waaaaaaay down on my list of priorities already and so this additional time off from gym compounded into a slipperier slope towards giving up completely.

To be honest, I have no idea what type of time frame I should/want to give myself for my Wintervention, but to break it down & get re-focused, my first mini goal is the 5km Colour Run at the end of November; and to get my body ready for the shock of actually moving around for more than a few minutes, I need to up my cardio a.s.a.p. Even if it is just enough to have me finish walking a 5km by then.


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