Horror Never Gets Old

Only two critical factors can impede my enjoyment of any given horror film:
a) The acting and/or lighting must be so acutely terrible that I literally cannot continue watching the full first 5 minutes of it without reaching an OCD level of need-to-get-up-and-switch-it-off;  and
b) I must be in a very distracted mood (ie unable to get lost in the story by activating my selective hearing powers*).

But I've proclaimed my love for Horror before.  Then Braintainment Magazine's article in their 15/2014 issue titled 'Outdated Horror' (with additional info on this Dutch site) got me thinking about the top 10 scary movies (and mini series) I will probably love forever (and will re-watch any time), so I simply have to share them with you:

P.S.  If you don't know which horror films are worth watching, have a look @ Maynard's blog.

* A trait for which I'm quite famous for amongst my friends & family.  I can literally block out everyone & everything around me regardless of how loud they are.


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