
Showing posts from June, 2016

Weekly Quotable: Memories


Don't Let Me Down

It was Global Beatles Day on Friday, so to commemorate, here's a video of the last gig they played together (as found for us by Messy Nessy ):

Weekly Quotable: Violence


Who's Your Daddy?

If you also love everything monster-y & weird, and you have not yet heard of Lordi (not even REMOTELY the same as Lorde), it's about time...

Weekly Quotable: Real Dads

Image Source: Pinterest


We joined the Pretoria Mystery Ghost Bus Tour on Saturday night. It was such good, clean fun. On the bus, they played this track, and I've had it stuck in my head ever since.


South African Lighthouse No. 20 ... Actually not a South African Lighthouse at all. Swakopmund Lighthouse was opened in 1902, but since Namibia gained its in independence in 1990, this lighthouse cannot really be counted as one of South Africa's. After Walvis Bay was occupied, the German colony realised that they needed a harbour of their own. One where incoming ships and its cargo would not be subject to the scrutiny of the British. On 4 August 1892, the crew on board the Hyäne ("Hyena") spotted a suitable location where they could gain access to the coast. This is where Swakopmund was founded, but despite the fact that they kept trying to rebuild the jetty (with wood twice, steel never completed due to World War I), it is no longer used as a harbour - just a very popular holiday destination. When the lighthouse was originally built, it was only 11 metres tall (see lower brick portion?). By 1911 it had been raised twice, bringing it to its current heig...

Weekly Quotable: Girl Power

Mum's colostomy reversal is being done today. The war isn't over yet, but at least this battle has been won.

Bust A Rhyme

I just love this! How perfect is it with the Psycho Theme Song in the background? Also, I think Busta Rhymes is such a cutie... and I suspect it has a lot to do with the dreads he used to wear, because I'm strangely turned on when watching Predator...

St Lucia:

Photo Credit: Mike5115 on Panoramio South African Lighthouse No. 19 A Stubby Little Zebra The Cape St Lucia Lighthouse is even shorter than Great Fish Point 's, but having been built on a hill means that at just 8 metres tall it still gets the job done. I know you can find the Jolly Rubino shipwreck close by, but remember - that wasn't the lighthouse's fault, it was all because of a fire onboard. For me, what is most notable of this little lighthouse, is the fact that it was the only one in South Africa where a female lighthouse keeper was ever employed (Mrs Coward, 1942 - 1946).

Weekly Quotable: Fatherly Love
