South African Lighthouse No. 6 The oldest working lighthouse in South Africa today. It was commissioned on 15 March 1864, which means that it's not only the oldest working lighthouse down here, it is also protected under the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999. Pic Source: TravelGround Blog Finding attractive images of this lighthouse, like I did with my previous online adventures , proved quite difficult. This Victorian structure just seem so rigid, reflecting the prim nature of the era , I guess. Obviously any lighthouse stems from the need to protect seafarers from rocky and precarious shores, and this lighthouse is no different; but its location was named by Bartolomeu Dias (when he sailed into Mossel Bay on 3 February 1488*). He called it Bahia (Aguada) de Sao Bras, "the watering place of St Blaize"**. From what I could gather, the southern shores are also lined with cliffs and that there are massive caverns on the sides of these cliffs, w...