Think Before You React!
So often we revert to expecting the worst in a situation or people around us, because we forget that our own perceptions, opinions & personalities are not necessarily reflecting reality objectively. It's natural. We base our expectations on our personal frame of reference (ie our on-board library, which our brains so efficiently maintain as we grow & learn through life) & when our most recent experiences were negative, they form the basis for our current state of mind, because they are usually the first sources our noggins access - so don't beat yourself up about it, but please be conscious of it next time. Why? It's unfair to strangers, eg. the person holding up traffic at the intersection probably did not expect their car to stall & did not purposefully do it just to delay everyone or to ruin your morning commute. That colleague you're so angry with for doing the job halfway - maybe she really thinks she's doing it right, so don't reprimand...